Candied Fruit Peels

Candied Peels, Ginger and other Confections by Channon Mondoux and the Eclectic Kitchen Supplies needed1 Dozen lemons OR½-1 pound of […]

Covid-19 Missive

Missive from their Excellencies:To all and sundry,In our last communication, we urged you to consider that times of crisis can […]

WInter Missive

Winter Missive We hope you all enjoyed the peaceful holiday season with friends and family and are excited about the […]

Pennsic 2019 Camp forms

Hello! Here is the Andelcrag 2019 Camp Form for Pennsic! If you have questions, please contact the camp mistress. Here […]

New SCAndelcrag Newsletter

Good Morning! There is a new edition of the SCAndelcrag Baronial Newsletter is available. Enjoy!    


Welcome to the new web site for the Barony of Andelcrag.  Once things get rolling, the Baronial officers will be […]